Dear children and parents,

Another week has passed and we are still unable to see each other, but it seems that this about to change. As you know, the nursery will be open on the first of June so we will be meeting again very soon.

So this week I wanted to talk about what some families are going to go through: the process of TRANSITION.

Imagine for a moment that you have spent a few weeks on honeymoon in a paradisiac island with your loved one. You have spent time together in nature, unaware of time, eating, sleeping and enjoying the day as it came along without rushing…..And suddenly you are back at work. All of a sudden, you are living another reality, another rhythm and without your loved one and you wish you had a Transition period so that  you can gradually adapt to the new reality. In a way that is what the children are going to experience when they return to the nursery. They have spent two months at home with their mummy and daddy and siblings, enjoying the sun, the garden and the walks. It has been a honeymoon for them!

This period has been very intense for all of us, both parents and children. We have been away from our jobs, friends and from activities we love to do. We have spent all our time with our family and have encountered endless joy and challenges.

Now it is the time to slowly come back to normality and many emotions might arise; fear, sadness, anxiety, joy, relief… Let’s embrace them, accept them and let them go.

We, as carers, are getting ready to welcome your children back with an awareness that it might be difficult for some children.

How can we help children in their Transition to the Nursery?

 I have put together a few ideas.

It has been a long time since we last saw each other and all members of the nursery are waiting to meet your children again. We will do our best to keep them safe and happy. I am sure we will enjoy this summer weather finally together.

See you at the nursery.

Much love from Eva

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